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How to use site resources for personal growth, or to develop a home church or Christ following community


In the studies section, you'll find Biblical & topical studies to use for leading a home church, community group, or simply learning more about God.


We always suggest putting your primary focus on studying the books of the Bible before anything else! 



Worship doesn't have to be complicated. Worship can be as simple as playing prerecorded worship songs and singing along to them. Still, no matter how you do it, worship is important! So, whether on your own or in group settings make sure you worship.


Home Church, Bible Studies, and Communities

What is community and a church body without time spent together? How do we reflect Jesus when we're not setting aside time to have deep conversations, and experience the various activities of this life together? Well, to help better reflect Jesus and the time He spent with the 12 disciples, and the instructions God gave to His people, we've created a list of activities and characteristics your community can aim to fulfill:

  • dine together - consider providing food at the various get togethers your community has, but remember not everyone can afford meals out, or even to supply a side dish! This is a great way for those in your community who can afford it to give & bless others in the name of the Good Lord. Also, this does not have to be expensive or fancy!

  • serve together - gather those in your community with the heart for service and serve your local community in the various ways you're able.

  • pray together - this should be done at your various gatherings, but consider supplemental meetings for those interested to pray deeply about various topics, including those heavy on each individual's heart.

  • worship together - this should be done often at your gatherings one way or another, but consider worship nights where those who have a heart for worship may come together and give the Lord even more praise!

  • accountability - let your community impact your life by acting as a team with the same goals - grow closer to God and grow into who you were called to be. You have a pain or need? Share it, pray over it, review it, and grow!


Giving & Outreach

An important thing to remember with "giving" is there's more than one way to do it (time, prayer, labor, financial, etc.)! Also, not everyone can give as much as the other. However, whatever is given should be given from the heart in a desire to honor & glorify God.


As Jesus did, we encourage you individually or as a group to use your giving to bring the light of God into your local community!  Here's a basic outline for how to do this:

  1. you or each individual in your group sets aside time, money, etc. you desire to give

  2. pray God's will be done with this offering that has been set aside in His honor

  3. look for ways you can use this offering to benefit local homeless, widows, orphans, sick and others in desperate need of help

  4. give in the name of Jesus, so that he may be given the glory


Here's a small list of ways you can impact your community with your giving:

  • Paying for meals for the local homeless population (try working with an established Christian organization if possible)

  • Offer to pay medical bills for an individual who can't afford them

  • Donate gifts & supplies to a local boys/girls home 

  • Donate food & supplies to local schools in lower income areas

  • Offer financial help to widows in the area who are in need of financial support

  • Offer your time at a local homeless shelter

  • Offer babysitting hours

  • Help the elderly & handicapped in your community with yard work, chores, etc.

  • Donate time at a local hospital

  • Pray for the sick in the community

  • Pray over local elections, hospitals, laws, families, etc. ​

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